History of arm sports

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This is the game of testing Arm Strength and Skill, now one of the World’s Major sports. While nearly everyone on Mother Earth understands the Sport of ARM SPORTS. Arm sports (PANJA) can be traced all the way back to ancient Egypt where a painting depicting a type of arm sport was found in an Egyptian tomb dating to about 2,000 B.C. Also our Arm sport Federation India’s President Mr. Bimal Kumar Chanda found a Bronze Statue of ARM SPORTS in a lonely & isolated Park at VLADIKAVKAZ, RUSSIA during World Arm sports Championships- in 1999. The said Bronze Statue was made in the Sixteenth Century. It means the Arm sport (PANJA KHEL) was a renowned game played in ancient times. (Photo Enclosed).

Mr. Bob O’Leary from the USA founded the World Arm wrestling Federation (Now World Arm sport Federation) in 1967.

This game started in the name of ARMWRESTLING. But in 1990 the General Body Members of all National Federations, where Mr. Barij Baran Das the then General Secretary of World Armsport Federation, Mr. Bimal Kumar Chanda the then Senior Vice President of World Armsport Federation, President of ARMSPORT FEDERATION INDIA and Deputy Director of Referees, World Armsport Federation& Mr. Parag Sharma the then General Secretary of Indian Armsport Federation  were present as the Representatives from INDIA in the General Body Meeting during World Championships- 1990 in Houston, USA. In that meeting it was resolved unanimously to change the name from Armwrestling to ARMSPORTS. Accordingly all countries were advised to change the name and the world championships will be held as World Armsport Championships. Likewise the National & other championships will be as ARMSPORTS.

In 1968, Charles Schultz of USA did a number of comic strips on Armsport that helped give the sport coverage. The World Armsport Federation (WAF), was founded with the United States, Canada, Brazil, and India as the first members. In 1979, the WorldArmsport Federation (WAF),organised its first world championships inWeytaskwin, (Alberta) – Canadá. It is considered the first World Championship held in Weytaskwin, (Alberta) - Canada, as it was the first to have competitors in some countries. The countries that participated in first world championships were, the U.S.A., Canada, Brazil and India.

In 1980 the second World Championship was held in the city of Calcutta (India) and the countries that participated - were India, Brazil, the USA, Canada, and Australia. Also in 1980, there was an International Armsport Championships in PERTH, AUSTRALIA, where our Indian Team comprising 10 participants participated (photo enclosed). The first & second World Championships (1979 and 1980) only competed in SIT-DOWN championships, thereafter continuing as STAND-UP Championships.


To play this Armsports game, we need only a Table as per World Federation’s Specification. It can be played in an indoor stadium or on the Roadside open ground, keeping top covered temporarily and to keep four sides open for public view. This game is played under Double elimination System (not Knockout system), means One Player has to Lose Twice to enable him/her to show his/her Arm Strength to Justify the Real Strong Men / Women in that particular Fight.


There is no specific Season for playing Armsports as it is an indoor game.


Boys & Girls in Children Section, Men & Women in Youth Section, Men & Women in Senior Section, Men & Women in Masters Section, Men & Women in Grand Masters Section, AND Men & Women Physically Challenged Section.
Accordingly, we set up Rules & Regulations which is compulsory to abide by the Organizers, Players and Referees. In each Section, there are separate Body Weight Groups


No doubt, it is a most popular game, not only in India but also throughout the World. The reason behind is that this game can be played “Anywhere” “Any time” and “Anybody” without limitation of AGE. This is an EXCITING game for all. It is very difficult for the SPECTATORS / VIEWERS to control themselves from the UNLIMITED Excitements & RELENTLESS Action of the Players.


Comprising of World Federations, Asian Federations, National Federations, Zonal, Regional, State, District and Local Club Associations.


The idea to Revamp an existing ARMSPORTS Tournaments by creating a bigger, exiting and attractive platform for Zonal, Regional, State wise tournaments through LIVE TELECAST in Star Sports and other Sports Channels, thereby bringing it a Nationwide and Worldwide prominence. We have to bring Celebrities and Film Stars as GUEST and to Organize Mega Events for Opening and Closing ceremonies. Motivating Prize Money for place holders (1st, 2nd & 3rd) and the Winning Team. We also have to find GOOD SPONSORS for upliftment of our game and to BOOST UP the moral of the Players.