Karnataka Arm Sports Association is formed under the guidance of Mr. Bimal Kumar Chanda, an international Arm Sports player, with the idea to promote the game of Arm Sporting in a professional way and create career opportunities among the youth of Karnataka.
Arm Sports is a test of the strength of one person’s arm against another consisting of two people who stand at or sit down at a table and then grip each other’s hand whilst placing their elbows on the table.
We believe that each child is wholly unique
We do not discriminate between our participants. We know the value of our rising youths.
Our referees make sure that the rules of the game are followed correctly by the participants.
Arm Sport is a contest between two opponents facing each other with their bent elbows placed on a table and hands firmly gripped then attempt to force the opponent's hand down to the table top. In the early years different names were interchangeably used to describe the same sport: "arm turning", "arm twisting", "arm wrestling", "Indian arm wrestling", "twisting wrists", "wrist turning", “wrist wrestling" and etc.
There’s no doubt Arm Sports has gone on in some form or another for thousands of years and is popular across the world.
Arm sports tournaments may also be divided along weight classes as well as left and right-handed divisions.
Our mission :
To spread arm sports throughout the state.
To get arm sports recognition in the state.
To create awareness about arm sports such as an interesting games.
A sport where two participants grip hands and try to pull one another in their respective areas of the court while facing each other in a test of strength.
Arm fighting involves two opponents placing their bent elbows on a table and firmly gripping their hands, then trying to force the other's hand down to the tabletop. This sport is often played to determine who is stronger between two or more people.
In this sport, participants grip their opponents' hands and push them out of the court while displaying their strength.
Together, we can enhance the future of our country and our youths
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